Call us now for clean, filter fresh drinking water!
PHONE 0800 438 420
Clean drinking water is essential
to our health and well being!
Here at FilterFresh Water Purifiers we specialise in water filters that provide you with clean, clear and chemical free water.
We supply, install and service all types of water filter products, whether it be in your home or business and on town or rural supply.
To provide you, your family or work colleagues chemical free water that tastes great, we can remove chlorine, heavy metals , fluoride, herbicides and pesticides from your town supply. For tank or bore water we can purify your water with our filters and UV System to remove sediment, giardia, ecoliĀ and other nasties so you can be assured that your water will be safe to drink.
We also install whole house filters that give you pure water from every tap in your home, and provide and install all types of water coolers, under bench cooling units, instant boiling water and sparkling water.
We are a family run, service based company that pride ourselves on top quality installations and servicing, all given with friendly service.